
Our coaches aren’t just here to run beginners’ courses and assist at events—they’re also active archers who bring a wealth of experience across a variety of bow types. Their combined knowledge helps make the club a great place to learn and improve. If you’d like guidance, don’t hesitate to approach any of our coaches.

Level 2

Sharon R

Sharon Robinson

Club Committee First Aider

Sharon has been involved in archery for approximately 13 years and has previously served as a regional judge. She has competed in both Compound and Longbow categories.

Level 1

David R

David Robinson

Club Committee First Aider

David has been involved in Archery since approximately age 11, and in his time has held national records, been the first president of a University club, and has been coaching for the last 7 years - including delivering archery sessions for a range of schools.

Experienced Archers

In addition to our coaches, a number of experienced members generously lend their time to assist with coaching on club nights and beginners’ courses. While they may not be fully qualified coaches, their support is invaluable in helping others develop their skills.

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Hannah S

First Aider
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Jack B

Jack started shooting recurve in 2005 and has been shooting on and off ever since, at various clubs and competitions across the country. They joined North East Archers in 2023.

Kelly Turnbull

Kelly Turnbull

Club Committee

Kelly started archery in 2023, joining in after her children challenged her. After building skills with the club she has started competing in local events. Kelly currently shoots barebow and has qualified as Welfare Officer to support the club.

Laura B

Laura B

Club Officer

Laura has been shooting since she was 18. Before joining North East Archers she was the social secretary for a university archery team and competed in the barebow category.

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Nicola R

Peter H

Peter H

Peter joined North East Archers in 2015 and has been a dedicated recurve archer ever since. He shoots Olympic Recurve.

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Su W

Help with Coaching

Interested in getting involved with coaching at North East Archers? Reach out to Sharon, who can provide more information about what’s involved and help you get started.