Archery is a sport with a rich tradition, emphasizing respect, focus, and good sportsmanship. We’re all about making sure everyone has a safe, fun, and relaxed time while upholding these values. Below are some easy-to-follow guidelines to keep things running smoothly for everyone. For more detailed guidelines, please refer to Archery GB's Code of Conduct.
Safety is our top priority. Always be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Follow instructions from the Field Captain at all times. If you notice anything unsafe, shout “FAST!” immediately to stop all activity. Ensuring everyone's safety is the foundation of a successful and enjoyable session.
Stay behind the shooting line until it is your turn to shoot. Avoid joining or leaving the line while someone nearby is at full draw to prevent distractions. Never leave someone shooting alone on the line—archery is a team effort, and support is key.
Keep noise to a minimum while others are shooting. Archery requires focus, and distractions can impact performance. If someone seems to prefer silence, respect their need for concentration. Keeping chatter low helps maintain a calm and focused environment for everyone.
Only approach the targets once everyone has finished shooting and the Field Captain gives the signal. Collect arrows together as a group to maintain order and safety. Do not touch the target or arrows until scores are recorded and agreed upon by all involved.
Archery equipment is personal, often finely tuned to the archer’s style. Never touch or use another archer's gear without permission. If you accidentally damage someone’s equipment, offer to replace or repair it immediately.
A tidy range is a safe range. Dispose of any litter properly and help keep the shooting area clean. Respect for the environment and the club facilities makes for a better experience for everyone.
Assist with setting up or packing away targets and equipment when you can.
Be patient if someone takes longer. We all progress at our own rate. Do not walk up and down the line comparing scores.
Call scores in groups of three, such as “7 - 7 - 5,” then pause, followed by “5 - 5 - 3.” This makes it easier for the scorekeeper to accurately record each arrow’s value. Make sure not to touch any arrows or targets until the scores are fully agreed upon by all archers.
Always show respect and maintain a positive attitude, whether you’re winning or learning from a setback. Thank the Target Captain at the end of each round for their support. Encouraging each other fosters a positive club atmosphere that benefits everyone.
Never shoot under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Your safety and the safety of others depend on clear judgment and full control. Place the well-being of your fellow archers above all else, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the sport safely.
By following these guidelines, we can ensure that archery is a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone at our club. We thank you for your cooperation and commitment to good sportsmanship.
These simple rules help keep everyone safe and ensure our sessions run smoothly. Please take a moment to read through them.
Safety is our top priority. Always be aware of your surroundings, and if you see anything unsafe, do not hesitate to call “FAST!” to immediately stop all activity. Follow all instructions given by the Field Captain—they are responsible for the safety and management of each session.
All archers are encouraged to help set up or pack away equipment, including target bosses, safety nets, and safety signs. Before setting up your personal equipment, please assist with getting the range ready. Likewise, before packing away your personal equipment, please assist with putting away the range. If you are unsure what to do, please ask—everyone's help is appreciated. If you need to leave early, please check if anyone else needs the target you are using. If not, collapse it to help with the cleanup. Keeping the equipment store tidy is important so that targets and other gear can be easily accessed. Proper storage helps maintain equipment and makes things smoother for everyone.
All archers must shoot from a common shooting line, with targets positioned at appropriate distances. Do not shoot at distances that are excessively far if you are not confident, as this leads to lost arrows and delays. Work up to longer distances as you gain more confidence. If distances need adjusting, please assist in moving the targets.
For outdoor shooting, only arrows with sufficient metal components are permitted. Full carbon or full fibreglass arrows are prohibited, as they are difficult to detect using a metal detector. An aluminium-carbon (ali-carb) shaft may be suitable, but the committee’s decision on suitable arrows is final. This rule is necessary because we use a school field, and ensuring lost arrows can be easily found is crucial for safety and continued use of the space.
If you lose an arrow, report it immediately, and if it cannot be found, be prepared to assist in additional searches. If you later find the arrow, please inform the club. Any lost arrows must be reported to maintain safety and prevent losing access to the field. During a session, if an arrow is lost, we don't want to delay the session unnecessarily, but it would be greatly appreciated if everyone could assist in the search to recover the arrow as quickly as possible.
Additionally, all archers must use the arrow sign-in/out sheet to track arrows used during outdoor sessions. If an arrow is lost during a session, we don't want to delay the session unnecessarily. However, it would be greatly appreciated if everyone could assist in the search to help recover the arrow as quickly as possible.
Archers should shoot no more than six arrows per end unless they can comfortably shoot more without delaying others. Keeping the number of arrows reasonable helps maintain a consistent pace and ensures everyone has an enjoyable experience.
No more than four archers should shoot at a single target boss to avoid overcrowding. If all targets are occupied, shoot in details to ensure everyone gets a fair turn. Shooting in details means taking turns at the target, preventing delays and promoting fairness.
All shooting is controlled by the Field Captain, who will give the signals to shoot, and to collect. Do not begin shooting until signal to shoot is given, and do not move towards the targets until signal to collect is given. This ensures everyone’s safety while on the range.
Only draw your bow when standing at the shooting line. Do not draw with or without an arrow elsewhere, as this poses a risk to others. Always aim towards the targets, and only draw when given the signal to shoot is given by the Field Captain.
Approach the targets only when everyone has finished shooting and the Field Captain signals it is safe to collect arrows. Collect arrows as a group to keep things orderly and safe. Do not touch arrows or targets until scores are recorded and agreed upon.
Junior members (aged 15 and under) must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Juniors are expected to behave safely and courteously. Parents or guardians must ensure that juniors understand and follow the club rules.
Respect the Field Captain’s decisions at all times. Follow their instructions, behave responsibly, and treat everyone at the club with respect—this includes fellow archers, coaches, and visitors.
When representing the club at tournaments, please wear Archery GB regulation dress and/or club colours.